Isle of Myrth hosts both a traditional fantasy market with long term rentals as well as a monthly bazaar with it's own unique theme, each a celebration of all things fae. Come escape the hustle and bustle of big stores and malls with our quaint castle shops. These stone walls are home for many satellite shops with an old world feel that never was.
Nicely decorated and feeding off of cross traffic from our monthly Seelie Court events as well as Southpaw’s participation from many hunts, this enchanting environment will wow customers time and again. Decoration changing to for holidays and events, will keep the customers coming to look at your wares. You can fit nicely into the kitchen, or along the castle walls. No matter what, there is a spot for you in one of our various sizes.
- Small Spaces (stand-alones only) - 80 Prims @ 200L/wk -
- Tower* 120 prims @ 300L/wk
- Medium Spaces - 200 prims @ 500/wk - The Gatehouse and
Kitchen - Large 400prims @ 1K weekly - The Grand Hall and Armory
- Tent - 10 Prims - 50L wk
As an additional perk - the resident Myrth Merchants who pay for a full month's rent at one time are entitled to extra perks - Large Stalls are offered a free space in the monthly event if they wish to participate, Medium stalls get 25% of their event entry fee waived and small spaces get 10% off the entry fee for the monthly Seelie Court Bazaar.