Each month the Isle of Myrth will be hosting a fantasy themed event. Vendor stalls are limited and expected to fill up, so if you are interested in participating, have a look at our event schedule and submit your application or contact us directly. Events start on the third Monday of each month and run for 3 weeks. To apply for our events, please visit here.
July - August
August - September
Welcome to Faerie! (Applications)
Our grand opening event! We welcome and celebrate all Fae both light and dark. Come and enjoy the scenic Isle of Myrth! With it's verdant shores, this lovely landscape beckons all fae and fantasy lovers to come explore and discover its mysteries.September - October
The Shining Ones (Elves)
The Shining Ones is a homage to all things elven and light sidhe. The Shining Ones not only honors the more benevolent fae, those of the spring and summer courts, but also elves from every corner of the imagination.
October - November
The UnSeelie (The Dark Races)
The ones who liege to the darkness, drow, ogres, slaugh and the creatures of nightmare. This month we pay tribute to the things that go bump in the night. Join us as we appease the dark court of autumn.November - December